Pyotr Fomenko


Bright Souls, or How to Write a Story


The Divine Comedy. Variations

Absolutely Incredible Event (Marriage in 2 acts)

New Year's adventure of Masha and Vitya

The Cherry Orchard

The Gift

Twenty third

My Brel

Knight. Mozart. Feast.

The Comedy on Tragedy

Dangerous ties

Sweeping water movements

Mozart “Don Juan”. Dress rehearsal.

Doctor Zhivago

Molly Sweeney

Kingdom of the curves

Happy Days

The Will of Charles Adams, or the House of the Seven Hung

The Seagull

King Lear

The Master and Margarita

Light Breathing

Seryozha is very stupid

Egyptian nights


Mother Courage

The School for Wives

A Ridiculous Man

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Ruslan and Lyudmila

Faryatyev's Fantasies

Summer Wasps Bite Us Even in November

Last Meetings

The Egyptian Stamp

The Madwoman of Chaillot

Come in, come in

A Theatrical Novel

Five Evenings

Alice Through the Looking Glass



Tales of the Forest of Arden

Without a Dowry

The Main Thing

He Was a Titular Counsellor

War and Peace. The Beginning of the Novel

Family Happiness

One Absolutely Happy Village

Wolves and sheep

Visiting Baron Munchhausen

Book tickets
Repertory for March
Repertory for April
Repertory for May


©  Alexey Kharitonov
Alexander Pushkin
Composition of the poem “Count Nulin,” the poetic drama “The Stone Guest,” and a scene from “Faust”

Act 1. “Count N.” (after “Count Nulin”). A sentimental poetic joke.
Act 2. “Oh, Donna Anna!” (after “The Stone Guest”). A small ironic tragedy.
Act 3. “Devil, I’m bored…” (a scene from “Faust”). An eclectic burlesque combining the narrative poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and poems by Alexander Pushkin. Translation of Goethe’s “Faust” by Boris Pasternak and Joseph Brodsky.

In this stage composition based on Alexander Pushkin’s work, Pyotr Fomenko combined three titles that at first sight look completely incompatible. One of them is the burlesque poem Count Nulin, the other — one of the Little Tragedies, The Stone Guest, and the third one is a scene from Faust. Staged in the unusual space, which unites the Small Hall and the lobby, the three acts of Triptych are three separate productions, distinguished by genre and style. And at the same time this Pushkin production of the Workshop is a complete work of theater, bound by Pushkin’s words and tied with threads of thoughts and ideas. It speaks about the “game of love and chance,” about death as payment for love, about temptations offered by fate and fighting that fate, about denial and doubt as compared with gullibility and tenderness…

  • Awards
  • Winner of the Golden Mask Prize in the “Drama/Small Scale Production” category, 2011
  • Pyotr Fomenko was nominated for the Golden Mask Prize in the “Drama/Best Director” category, 2011

“Triptych” is not just the master’s habitually charming and easily predictable production. You can’t say “Oh, this is so precious.” No, this is a statement, irritable and sad. And even if at first your are lulled by the ridiculous “Count Nulin”, you are then brough face to face with the odiously grimacing Death.

It was this production that clearly showed that the sentimental old romantic Pyotr Fomenko, a joker and a ruffian, doesn’t have a very high opinion of human nature. However much he tries to hide them behind his habitual smirk, the performance simply oozes sarcasm and malevolent, impotent bitterness. This is a new Pyotr Fomenko, a surprising one. We are not used to him yet.
Marina Zaionts, Itogi

Opening night: December 2, 2009

Running time: 3 hours 10 minutes with 2 intermissions

Upcoming Performances:

(19:00 – Fomenko Workshop Theatre, New Stage, Small Hall)
(19:00 – Fomenko Workshop Theatre, New Stage, Small Hall)
(19:00 – Fomenko Workshop Theatre, New Stage, Small Hall)

Ticket price range: 2000—30000 rub.

DirectorPyotr Fomenko

Costume DesignMaria Danilova

Lighting DesignVladislav Frolov

Stage DesignVladimir Maximov

AccompanistOksana Globa

Speech CoachVera Kamyshnikova

Characters and Cast:

“Count Nulin”

Count NulinKaren Badalov

Natalya PavlovnaGalina Tyunina

LidinKirill Pirogov

NoblemanMaxim Litovchenko

Filka-VaskaNikita Tyunin,
Stepan Pyankov

ParashaMadlen Dzhabrailova

Servant PicardOleg Niryan

“The Stone Guest”

Donna AnnaGalina Tyunina

LauraMadlen Dzhabrailova

Don GuanKirill Pirogov

LeporelloKaren Badalov

Don CarlosMaxim Litovchenko

GuestsOleg Niryan,
Nikita Tyunin,
Stepan Pyankov,
Polina Airapetova,
Ivan Vakulenko,
Eva Brenner

“A Scene from Faust”

FaustKirill Pirogov

MephistophelesKaren Badalov

GretchenGalina Tyunina

DeathMaxim Litovchenko

SinNikita Tyunin

The DemonOleg Niryan

The WitchPolina Airapetova

The SoldierStepan Pyankov

GrammofrockIvan Vakulenko

«Dead Caesar»Oleg Niryan

Formerly in the cast:

GuestDmitry Smirnov

GrammofrockDmitry Smirnov

“A Scene from Faust”

The WitchMonica Santoro

“The Stone Guest”

GuestsMonica Santoro

©  Alexey Kharitonov

Photo Gallery

© 1996—2025 «Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theatre»
Boxoffice: +7 (499) 249-19-21 (from 12:00 to 21:00, without a break)
Information about tickets: +7 (499) 249-17-40 (we work weekdays from 12:00 to 20:00)
Fax: +7 (495) 645-33-13
Address: 121165 Moscow, Kutuzovsky prospect, 30/32
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